Tuesday, 24 March 2009

My maid outfit

This is my first try as dressmaker: my new maid outfit:

There is still a lot to do, but I am a novice :)

This is a detail of my bust, I like very much the see-through bra.


Friday, 6 March 2009

Still Life

Turning a living person into a piece of furniture can be considered at least a weird concept, but from my point of view is the ultimate form of submission. And being a truly submissive, this experience appeals a lot to me.

The rigid immobility of palace guards all over the countries it is definitely a way to turn them into house decorations and this is quite common. Uncommon was, instead, the way the world accepted some of the works of Allen Jones, a pop sculptor that in the late sixties scandalized the world with his erotic sculptures like these:

Be turned into the padding of a chair, like this one from House of Gord, it is really appealing to me.

Much more that become a decoration of a table, like this one also from House of Gord.

Still waiting to make a real experience in RL, I am starting to build a SL object that suits my tastes. From this point of vies secondlife is acting as a creativity booster to me.

I am now working on my “RLV human lamp”: I am concentrating my efforts on the script side – that is the way the visitor can interact with the avatar (me) trapped inside the piece of furniture – more that pay attention to the aesthetic side, which is still to enhance. But my experience till now is really great and I like this job very much.

In the picture above this is me inside the lamp, in that one below I am together with Miss Bane Praga, she helps me to debug the device.

It is weareble and it is designed so that the wearer is stuck in the place and can't move at all (as any other lamp in the world...)

I am also starting to explore other forms of creativity (like dress making)… but more on this in future posts.


Sunday, 1 March 2009

A day in the life

Secondlife is for me a formidable challenge, the perfect environment to express my inner self.

I am still a little bit shy, since I always have a great fear to bother the people around me. But I am starting to gain familiarity with this virtual world and discovering all the little wonders it has keep for my personal treasure hunt.

Like Marine Kelley’s Restrained Life Viewer, in short: RLV. I suppose that all of you know perfectly what RLV is: a system that allows to experience bondage on secondlife. Using a peculiar client, specially developed scripted objects can be locked on your avatar and restraint it, limiting you just like real restraints do in real world.

I have quickly fell in love with Marine’s Serious Shackles and RR gag, and a lot of other gadget that significantly enhance SL experience. And I am starting to think to build something myself.

Meanwhile I am starting to make friends in this wonderful world, just sorry that I have no much time to devote to SL. Anyway, I am applying to become an Official Bound Maid, hoping to be good for that job.

This is a picture of me in my uniform. I hope you like it :)