Sunday, 1 March 2009

A day in the life

Secondlife is for me a formidable challenge, the perfect environment to express my inner self.

I am still a little bit shy, since I always have a great fear to bother the people around me. But I am starting to gain familiarity with this virtual world and discovering all the little wonders it has keep for my personal treasure hunt.

Like Marine Kelley’s Restrained Life Viewer, in short: RLV. I suppose that all of you know perfectly what RLV is: a system that allows to experience bondage on secondlife. Using a peculiar client, specially developed scripted objects can be locked on your avatar and restraint it, limiting you just like real restraints do in real world.

I have quickly fell in love with Marine’s Serious Shackles and RR gag, and a lot of other gadget that significantly enhance SL experience. And I am starting to think to build something myself.

Meanwhile I am starting to make friends in this wonderful world, just sorry that I have no much time to devote to SL. Anyway, I am applying to become an Official Bound Maid, hoping to be good for that job.

This is a picture of me in my uniform. I hope you like it :)

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