Thursday, 18 July 2013


All my friends know very well how exciting it is for me to be turned into a living object, especially if the one is useful for some specific purpose. This is objectively very difficult to achieve in real life (even if it happens to me quite frequently to be turned into simply objects), it is much easier to do in the virtual world of Second Life. 
If the feelings are obviously much less intense than a phisical experience, it remains an really exciting sensation identify mYself into that avatar: a crossover between a thinking, living human and a functional and operative inespressive device.

It is easy to understand, therefore, how important it is for me the step that Miss Kumi Itoku did transforming  the beautiful statue I was until yesterday in a functional Cybortender, a perfect symbiosis between a thinking mind and a serving machine.

Now I am permanently installed into this marvellous device, in charge of serving perfect drinks (I am a machine, no human errors!) to visitors of Sin Labs & Club Circle:  I am very happy, pleased to be at your disposal to satisfy every need you have.
Please come to see and use me: I am at Circle (117,214,502).

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Back again

I am again updating the blog after a long vacation. During last few years I have moved frequently due to my work. In my wanderings I have had just a 3G internet connection that is unsuitable for regular visits to Second Life, which is a bandwidth-hungry application.
Now I am again in a more stable situation, and having a new ADSL connection, I can be again in world regularly, so I am happy to share my experiences on this tiny blog.

I must say that I missed SL so much. I must thank SL, and all the people I met. All of them have a great merit: they helped me to explore parts of my personality that are very difficult to express in the real world. There you have to be strong and sturdy. There is no space for a submissive soul as mine in a world that is tough and where woman have to fight harder than man as the one I live every day.
In SL I have always found a dimension of compensation that satisfies me and calms me. Far from being a substitute for reality, it is a complementary element that makes me feel good and that I feel as part of my being.

In this context that I have started my last experience: I have landed on Sin Labs  Circle. It is a wonderful, modern styled Sim, which seems tailor-made for me: statues and living objects, such as bikegirls, have a natural home here. I chose to try to be turned into a statue, so I stepped on one of the plinths around the tree that is in the middle of the square, to find myself turned into a marvelous winged statue.
I have to say that In the process I have a little bit suffered for the loss of my shape - that is my identity - since the statues are all identical. But my first impression was really exciting. A 'pleasent voice' continues to whisper persuasive phrases. We are all part of the same family, you belong here in the garden, with the tree ... All this instills a sense of peace and tranquility that is really woderfull.

The plinths are obviously RLV-enabled, and capture you for just an hour. This was not enough for me: I need to really feel I am in the hands of another person, someone who controls and manage me. So I asked to Miss Kumi Itoku to be retained longer, leaving her every decision on this. After warning me about the scope and implications of my request, she very kindly agreed.
Now I am a beautiful statue with hypnotic wings, in a perpetual reverential adoration of the holographic tree that stands is in front of me. 

I am not a BOT: when I am online I am alive here, behind my frozen and impassive avatar. I can see, I can hear you, but I can't respond. I can emote, at least at the moment, but I can't nor I will not abuse it, since an object, a statue, does not speak.
Obviously I'm still in the process of setting up, but I hope to stay here very long.
I will write down here the significant events and my thoughts as they evolve.

pse: again, forgive my English, it is not my Mothertongue.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Dolly Doom

One of the sims I visit often is - however - Doll Works. After I received a notecard this morning I has been unable to resist to the temptation to try the Evil Black Stand of Dolly Doom.

It is a black stand placed on the entry plaza of the sim. If you sit on it and you have a RLV relay on, it freezes you. You can't get free alone: someone else has to find your key - but it moves around the sims every 15 minutes - and use it on the stand to get you free.

I have spent nearly three hours on the stand and many people passed by. Someone stopped. A woman said that no one would even start to find my key. A lovely doll, instead, found my key and come to rescue me.

An interesting experience.

Garden decoration

Summer finally has come, it is time to go out. What about a garden decoration, a nice fountain? Stuck in an elegant arabesque, pouring water, a marble Jewell is ready for her duty.

Water is precious even in a virtual world as Second Life... So I have made a sensor that stops water when there is no one nearby.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Luggage again

I forgot to say that I 'released' the luggage under the GPL license, so it is freely available to anyone want to use it... just drop me a notecard. The scripts are derived from the OpenCuffs project (see or visit Open Collar HQ inworld).

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


I have been a while away from the blog because I am busy in RL and have very limited spare time to stay online. 'Till now I have devoted all of it to my SL experience, that captures me so much.
Anyway I have some news…
First of all I have found a Mistress (better say, she has found me) and are fully immersed in this new, beautiful exciting experience. My Mistress and I are in full harmony and I wish to thank Miss Bane for all the patience and attention she has for me.
Meanwhile I continue to create some toy, both for me and for my sisters - the other sub Miss Bane owns.
The latest device is this nice “luggage” that you can see in the pics below.

Then there is something that has nothing to do with SL, but it is so exciting for me that I wish to share with all of you: I'm taking my first steps as sub in RL also... and I appreciate it soooo much. I have got really crazy about the stay in the vacuum latex bed. It is an incredible sensation.
See you soon!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Here again

I had been busy for a while in RL, but I am now back again on SL..

See you!